Preserve Your Bone Health
By avoiding excess weight gain or by losing excess weight, you will avoid diseases like osteoarthritis and better your bone health.
Reduce Pain
Excess weight is a cause of pain and inflammation, especially back pain. You can reduce the risk of having back pain by lowering your weight. Even a 5% decrease has miraculous benefits.
Enhance Your Fertility
Obesity causes infertility. Enhance your fertility by lowering your weight.
Get Noticed at Work
If you eat healthy, it sends the message to your colleagues and peers that you want to be successful and are outcome driven. You will take care of the business the same way as you take care of yourself.
Lower Your Expenses
If you decrease your calorie intake, say around 100 a day, you will save around 175 dollars in a year. You will lose excess weight as well.
Have More Friends
If you play outdoors or do running or jogging, you will know more people. Hence, you will also be able to make more friends.
Increase Your Happiness