Ashley Roberts, former Pussycat Dolls members shows how to stay fit
Enjoying the Sweat
The songwriter has admitted that she loves to sweat. She also prefers being healthy and active. The endorphins make her feel good, so, she also likes practicing various types of exercises.
Preferred Exercises
Ashley has confessed to having a strong liking for dancing. She also participates in spinning classes, does hot yoga and enjoys circuit training. Last, but certainly not the least, she loves hiking and gives it a shot whenever she is in Los Angeles.
Metabolic Trainings
The dancer has also said that she loves doing many types of metabolic trainings as they help her to push her heart rate to maximum level and then bring it down. She has added that metabolic trainings are way better than running on a treadmill and thus she loves doing them.
Ashley Roberts in bikini in Malibu
Exercising a Lot
Unlike most people, the TV star really likes to exercise a lot. She has found the secret of making exercising a fun experience. She understands that most people really dread exercising, but all you need to do is to find the right exercising class (choose a form of exercise, you really love) and you’ll definitely have a good time while exercising.
Eating Clean
Roberts has also revealed the key to being fit by using the diet habits. She prefers to eat clean and that includes ensuring that she eats a lot of vegetables. She likes eating fresh fruits and veggies that haven’t been through a food processor. Eating from bottled goods available in grocery stores is also a big no. Avocados are her personal favorites and we guess that they are a part of her everyday diet.