Anne Hathaway Workout and Diet

  • Vegetarian Sense
  • The actress survives fully on vegetarian foods as recommended by her dietitians that educates and motivates her to remain fit and healthy. This helps her to avoid the addition of extra fat to her body. Commonly, the leafy nutrient like kale occupies her meals and now a days, cabbage is one of her contents in plate. She avoids eating heavy protein rich stuff and those foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

    • Fresh Food Desire

    The secret to the feminine appearance of Hathaway includes her sticking to the fresh edibles. She never goes for processed stuffs because she wants to be away from any kind of preservatives. Her body would never be devoid of anti-oxidants as she herself cooks fresh food from unsullied green and leafy materials derived from plants. This keeps proper check on balanced supply of proteins, vitamins, carbs and minerals. Even after this, if her diet is not up to her satisfaction, then juices prepared from fresh fruits and milk is supplemented to her. Special inclusion of the citrus fruits is also found in her diet chart because these juices help to maintain the glow and tone of her skin.