Amanda Seyfried Workout and Diet

  • Breakfast – Raw vegetables, fresh fruits and healthy drinks like lemon and ginger drink are the important part of her morning meal.
    • Snacks – For her first snack, she prefer to have milk protein or milk products from which she can get natural protein in the best form.
    • Lunch – Though, Amanda is maintaining a planned and nutritious food habits, but in her lunch, she prefer to have a piece of fat less pizza. She does not want to appear like a skeleton that is why she also gives some break to her food habits also.
    • Snacks – In her second course of snack, she takes fruits and a glass of juice to fulfill the demand of her body. Taking fruits helps her to acquire natural vitamins and antioxidants.
    • Dinner – Low carbohydrate foods characterizes her dinner. She believes it is better to take only such amount of food, which is required by the body as eating too much at night and doing workout the next day to burn the extra material won’t help at all to maintain a good body.

    So, now you have the workout schedule and food habits of Amanda, just follow it well and you will be on your way to have a well toned body just like Seyfried. She really worked hard to get a perfect figure that she has today. She had left eating junk foods and consumes only those foods that help her to keep healthy and energetic.