Adriana Lima Workout and Diet

Adriana Lima Diet Plan


On a typical day Adriana take oatmeal with raisins and egg whites. On some days she also takes milk or coffee with it. Sometimes she also have Muesli with yogurt or honey. The supermodel follows a control portion diet plan which means her calorie intake go on decreasing as the day progresses.


On an average day, Adriana takes fish, chicken or red meat with some vegetables. She usually eats green grilled vegetables.  She believes that fibers constitute a significant portion of her lunch which helps in processing the food and prevents the calories from accumulating in her body.  For snacks Adriana consumes raw vegetables like cucumbers and carrots that refresh her after a long day. She also takes a little bit of chocolate for energy and a spoonful of honey as well.


It is widely believed that as much less as possible should be consumed for dinner. Hence, Adriana consumes only salad and nothing else. She believes that keeping it light at night helps her sleep well and keeps her refreshed when she wakes up the other day. Many experts believe this is a special control diet focusing on weight loss and toning.


Adriana follows a special diet that aims at weight loss till a certain point and then maintaining it by increasing slight intake of calories. She usually consumes green vegetables which are either steamed or grilled. She also takes in about 5 ounces of any type of protein and likes to mix different types protein shakes which are labelled by her as Metagenics.

Adriana has herself said that she follows a doctor recommended diet and strictly follows it up with strenuous exercises. Her diet was charted after measuring her vital signs like blood pressure and sugar, which differs from person to person. Hence make sure you visit your doctor and chart your own diet plan and then combine it with the workouts to look as spectacular as Adriana Lima.