Mark Wahlberg Workout and Diet

Mark Wahlberg Workout and Diet

With six pack abs and strong arms, Mark Wahlberg is one of the big guys of Hollywood. This guy can always be seen in muscular and toned physique. Aside from being his passion, fitness is also his requirement in the movies. For the 2013 film “Pain and Gain,” the resilient actor was supposed to bulk up forty pounds of muscles to render tough guy look to himself. When it comes to gaining weight, it’s easy for you to do that. However, bulking the number of lean muscles certainly is not everyone’s cup of tea. Let’s have a look at the workout and diet secrets of Mark Wahlberg, which aided him to acquire ripped body.

Ten Small Meals

To bring alignment between his exercises and diet, Mark consumed ten small meals in a day. Although in the beginning, he banked on three meals and three snacks in a day, but he ended up feeling hungry with them. To speed up muscle building process in his body, he turned to ten to twelve meals from six meals. So many meals in a day might sound impossible to you, but the hunk actually ate those many meals. Not to mention, he had to wake up in between sleep hours to do that.

30/40/30 Nutrient Density

Mark made sure that he consumed clean and balanced diet to assist his body foster the muscle building process. While embracing 30/40/30 principle, he consumed thirty percent carbs, forty percent proteins, and thirty percent healthy fats. He also paid attention to his pre and post workout snacks. While among pre workout snacks, he mostly relied on shakes, his post workout snacks were like raspberries, bananas, strawberries, protein bars, etc.