Post Workout Snack Ideas

Post Workout Snack Ideas

Do you get hunger pangs after workouts? Have you considered refueling your body post workouts?

Hunger pangs being the most common phenomenon after workouts are the first signals your body gives to draw your heed. Hunger pangs ask you to refuel your body with nutrient dense foods. However, when you don’t understand those signals and don’t nourish your body with healthy snacks, you end up feeling exhausted and slouchy for the rest of the day and absolutely fragile for the next day’s workouts.

Generally, people consider food as a foe, which hinders their process to burning calories. They believe, consuming calories would zero down their workouts and they feel that they are supporting their bodies in shedding weight by not having meals after exercises. However, the fact is other way round; your body wants to drop extra pounds post workouts but you are not assisting it.

Why PoST workout snacks are necessary?

While doing workouts, a lot of minerals and electrolytes flow out of your body through sweating. You require feeding your exhausted body within 20-60 minutes after workouts. If you don’t do that, you only deter the recovery and repair mechanism of your body.