Miley Cyrus Workout and Diet

Miley Cyrus has acquired a much fitter body after switching to gluten free diet and regular workouts. The starlet has been displaying her toned body lately. The singer had been visiting the local gyms to make her body look more enviable. She has also shown her worriedness on gaining weight by tweeting different tweets.

Miley Cyrus Workout Routine

She does a variety of workouts to stay is shape like dancing, cycling, etc. But, she gives more stress to Pilates workout. The 5 ft 5 inch tall celebrity can be seen attending Mari Winsor’s Winsor Pilates in LA. She attends it almost 6 days a week for an hour per day. Pilates is great for strengthening your abdominals and toning your stomach. It makes the deep abs muscles strong too. So, this means your food sucking muscles also get strengthened. It is an overall body sculptor which maintains the balance between your inner and outer body and thus you feel better.

Miley Cyrus Workout and Diet

Miley Cyrus lean-thin body frame

You may perform the moderately difficult 5 min exercise for developing core strength. The exercise is called “open leg balance” and an exercise mat is need for this.