Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet Secrets

Valeria Lukyanova, Human Barbie

She is a successful model, a singer, an actress, a writer, a poet and even a seminar organizer. Her seminars are a way for her to help people find themselves and she really believes in helping people. But, most people don’t know such aspects of her life. They consider her to be the Human Barbie due to her adorable eyes, tiny waist and hefty breasts. Valeria Lukyanova or now Amatue (her new name) is very open hearted about her looks, her efforts to stay fit (or look great) and how people can get to be themselves. Here’s an excerpt of the health secrets spilled by Amatue to Cosmopolitan.

Daily Workouts are a Must

Amatue has acknowledged that she believes in working out on a daily basis. She starts off her day with running for an hour and spending three challenging hours in the gym without even taking a break. That’s not it!! She admits that when she is not working, she exercises for five to six hours. (That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?)

Workouts are a Part of Her Life