Crunches / Sit-ups
Lie on the floor mat on your back. Bent your knees and place your feet on the ground in a flat position. The heels should be placed at a comfortable distance from the hips (around 15 inches). Place the hands behind the head. Now pull the blades of the shoulders together. Also pull your elbow backwards and see to it that your lower back does not arches. Exhale, curl your shoulders and head off the ground and pull the ribs towards the pelvis area. Curl upwards till your upper back is completely off the ground while the lower back is on the ground. The lower back and the feet should be on the ground mat at all times. Inhale and lower the torso back to the initial position.
Body area worked – abdominal muscles.
Jump Squats
Stand on the ground with your feet at hip distance. Place the arms at their respective sides. Now slowly lower your hips in the backward and lower direction. Lower till your feel that your feet will lift off the ground. Bend forward at the hips so that the back is flat. You can use your placement to provide you maximum support. Pause briefly and then jump upwards, through your lower body. While jumping, fully extend your legs, knees, ankles and hips. Land on the ground softly, on the heels of the legs. You can absorb the landing impact by lowering your hips in the backward direction, while you land. Your trunk should slightly lean forward when you land.
Body areas worked – hips, legs and thighs.
Forward lunge
Stand on your feet. Stabilize your spine by engaging your abdominal muscles. Pull the blades of the shoulders towards the hips. Lift one leg and find your balance on the other standing leg. Do not wobble. Hold the position for a while and then place the raised floor on the ground, heels first. Shift your entire body weight on this lead foot. When you step forward into the lunge, do not drive the hips forward. Lower your body into the lunge till your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep the back straight. Hold the position for a while and then push the lead foot off the ground. Attain the starting position. Change legs and re-perform.
Body parts worked – hips, legs, thighs and abs.
You are not stressed while conducting a workout at home. They are inexpensive as well. The time period of workout depends on your stamina and how quickly you feel bored. You can start at a beginner level and reach to expert level with time.