Born Name
Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama
Nick Name
Eduardo Fresco, Will
Wilmer Valderrama during the premiere of “This is The End”
With ample assets, 5 ft 2 in, petite Kyle Richards owns an incredible curvaceous and toned figure. Mother of four daughters mainly credits sugar-free diet and circuit training for her slender figure. She shares, since she naturally has more fat at apt places, she is very likely to bulk up in those areas as soon as she gains extra pounds. After having struggled with weight problem for a long time, Kyle lately resorted to liposuction to impart her body lean and honed look. Not to mention, she being totally flattered with the results contends, no matter how perfect diet you take and how regularly you execute workouts, you are always left with some shortcomings especially when you have to combat with the annoying signs of aging. Let’s have a quick look at the diet and workouts secrets of Kyle Richards.
Kyle considers her clothes getting tight as a wake-up call which instigate her to turn watchful eye towards her diet. When she feels she is gaining unwanted pounds, she trims down the consumption of carbs and swears by very nutrient dense and wholesome diet. The ageless brunette banks on no sugar diet to maintain youthful glow on her face and body. Sugar being the sweet poison makes your body become victim of myriad diseases.
Not only does no sugar diet help you shed unsolicited pounds, it also ensures optimum health for you. With reduction in the consumption of sugar, you are very likely to witness reduction in your waist size too. Aside from cutting back the primary sources of sugar, if you also pay attention to the foods having sugar hidden in them, you can melt away whooping pounds in very short period of time. The bombshell also steers clear from liquid diet which adds bountiful calories to your diet.
With his ripped body and killer looks, Kit Harington can impress any beautiful girl in the world. While attributing both prudent diet and grueling workouts for his lean and muscular physique, Kit gives seventy percent importance to diet and thirty percent to exercises. Let’s have a quick look at some of his diet and workout secrets.
To get ready for his role in the movie, Pompeii, Kit had to go through bizarre diet programs. He was first supposed to gain weight by eating tremendous foods and then shed the weight by practicing weight training and other intense workouts. He bulked up around 10-11 kg by splurging on foods in the initial five weeks. Afterwards he melt away weight in the next three weeks as was the demand of his role. Although Kit switched between two extreme diet plans to do justice to his performance in the movie, but you shall not be inspired to do because he did it under the guidance of his nutrition expert.
His nutrition expert devised his diet very discreetly while bearing the intense workouts practiced by him in mind. To make sure that his body gets adequate nutrition; his diet had 45% of carbs, 33% of proteins, and 20% of fats. In addition to that, he was asked to consume casein protein, magnesium glycinate, fish oils etc. on daily basis.
Vicky Pattison transformation from flab to fab.
Nothing in the world is beyond you; you just need to have resilient will to accomplish that. Something like that has been proved correct by the pretty actress, Vicky Pattison who transformed her body from size sixteen to size six. Kudos to the relentless brunette who didn’t stop until she acquired the most sexy and desirable size six figure. Vicky dishes out her diet and workout secrets which helped her acquire slender and curvy figure.
It’s not that the wave to makeover her body hit her abruptly while she was full of beans. No, it actually happened when she was going through one of the toughest periods of her life i.e. break-up with her boyfriend, Ricci. While being in relationship with him, she was hefty and was often ridiculed on twitter for her bulky figure. It was after her split with Ricci when she resolved to transform her life in a better way.
Instead of resorting to comfort foods and emotional eating to calm her mind, she rather decided to take the best revenge i.e. attaining captivating figure. And before late, the same Vicky who would receive humiliating comments from people began receiving wonderful compliments from her fans. If you too are feeling shattered because you have been through heart breaking break-up, instead of making you turn into a shabby and overweight girl, turn your attention towards making you hot and sexy. There can be no other revenge as rewarding to you as is sultry you.
Minnie Driver at 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars Party
With signature curls, famed freckles, Minnie Driver is one of the ageless celebs of Hollywood. The stunner in her mid forties looks half of her age. The Goddess of svelte figure reckons that she is in the best shape of her life and that probably is the reason which bestowed her nerve to give n*de shoots for Allure’s May 2014 issue. Minnie dishes out some of her diet and workout secrets which are responsible for her fit and slender body.
For a very long time, the elegant beauty had been sticking to Atkins diet. However, now the stunner has switched to low carb diet which to a great extent is similar to Atkins diet. Aside from the variation of restrictive two weeks induction period, the diet plans are alike to great extent. While consuming nutrient laden and high protein foods such as cheese, meats, fats, certain green veggies, Minnie keeps the consumption of carbs restrained in her diet. She renounces the consumption of sugar, starchy foods, flour etc. which undoubtedly are accountable for bulking up unsolicited pounds in you.
Phenomenal beauty, style icon, Bachelorette Emily Maynard is credited with impeccable beauty and charm. With her vibrant face and curvy figure, she can imprison anyone’s eyes. Emily attributes mainly her diet for her pristine figure and also some kissing (as she don’t get much time out of her busy schedule to workout). She playfully chirps, if kissing boys is also regarded as an exercise, then Emily admits that she performs a lot of it to maintain her figure. Jokes apart!! Let’s have a look at the diet and workout secrets of Emily Maynard which are accountable for her bikini-embracing figure.
The charming celeb claims that her toned and curvy figure is not the outcome of numerous grueling workout hours spent in the gym. It’s hard to believe her in first place but when we look at her day schedule which often makes her run out of time, we certainly appreciate her way to maintaining her statuesque figure. The pretty celeb doesn’t sit idle. She keeps jumping from one thing to another. She engages herself in household works such as mopping, washing dishes, doing laundry, and running after her daughter, Ricki. Her jam-packed personal and professional life which keep her on toes all the while certainly are accountable for her sculpted figure. Besides that, she also performs some workouts with resistance band.
Emily doesn’t perform exercises to sculpt her body but she is very prudent about her consumption of foods. She self-proclaims that she can even totally renounce the consumption of salt, sugar, and carbs from her diet. Her affection for clean and wholesome foods helps her to rev up her metabolism and renders her slender body.